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Absolute Creature Vibes

'Nude Goblin' 8x8" Art Print

'Nude Goblin' 8x8" Art Print

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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From our 'Totally Legit Cat Breeds' Series! The allure of a 'Nude Goblin' seems as irresistible to some as it is repugnant to others. Fans of this breed will go to any lengths to pamper these enchanting beings, including taking up knitting or crochet to clothe a strange little raw chicken scuttling around their home environment. We wouldn't want the chicken to get cold, after all.

One high quality art print of an Absolute Creature original artwork
Size: 8x8" 

Your print will be sealed in a protective plastic sleeve before shipping to prevent dust, damage, and fingerprints. It's recommended you wait to remove the sleeve until framing or displaying to prevent damage. 

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